81 research outputs found

    The Fasting of Others

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    Географические загадки силлаборитмического варьирования 5-сложников в пределах славяно-балтского раннетрадиционного меломассива

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    The object of the study by Ukrainian ethnomusicologist Iryna Klymenko (Iрина Клименко) are 5-complex rhythmic formulas, which are used in ritual melodies of Ukrainians, Belorusians, Poles, Lithuanians. The material for the study was ca. 5.000 melodies of wedding, winter (carols), spring cycles, which contain 5-complex figures. The author studies the differences in the variation of 5-syllabic group, which depends on various factors: from (a) the genre, (b) from the type of the verse formula: monorhythmic V55 or heterotrhythmic V553, V557, etc., (c) from its localization. A large range of rhythmic options is reduced to two key algorithms. The variants are applied to the geographic maps, after which the obtained habitats are compared. By this publication, the author expects to draw the attention of the scientific community to complex typological-geographical plexuses taking place in the large rituals of the song massifs of the Slavic-Baltic early-tradiation melodical massive.Key words: the Slavic-Baltic early-tradition melodical massive, ritual tunes, wedding songs, carols (kolyadky), arealogy, rhythmic variations, 5-syllabic group.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/td.v13i0.169

    Investigation of Residual Bearing Capacity of Inclined Sections of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams

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    The article reports on the results of the numerical and the laboratory tests to determine the effect of concrete damages near support areas in compressed zone of the reinforced concrete beams on their residual bearing capacity of inclined sections. According to the experimental plan, 15 single-span freely supported experimental samples with dimensions of 100×200×1200 mm made with different artificial damages within the shear span aν (1d, 2d, and 3d) were tested. The numerical test of prototypes was performed in software complex LIRA-SAPR 2017. The results of laboratory and numerical experiments showed good convergence regarding the bearing capacity, however, the nature of the fracture in samples B11-B14 did not match. Empirical - conducting laboratory experiments on samples using modern methods of measurement; numerical modelling – using software complex LIRA-SAPR 2017; analysis and statistical processing of the obtained research results; comparison of the obtained results; abstraction; generalization; deduction; formulation of the main conclusions and recommendations. The analysis found that the bearing capacity decreases with increased area of damage and shear span. Conducting the calculations in software complex LIRA-SAPR allows to predict the work elements and determine the bearing capacity with good accuracy, but in comparison with the real data there still are some differences in the character of destruction

    Some aspects of specific forensic examinations in respect of underage suspects

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    It has been emphasized that while investigating criminal offenses committed by minors, special attention is paid to the appointment of forensic examinations, in particular, comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination and psychological examination. An investigator, a prosecutor should know which of these examinations is appropriate to appoint and what questions should be put to the expert for decision. If the questions are worded incorrectly or not fully, then this will lead to the expert’s findings, which do not help in establishing the truth and do not disclose all necessary information about juvenile suspects. Taking into account the provisions of the Art. 486 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, we’d like to emphasize that psychological and psychiatric examination is appointed in cases where there are grounds for it, namely the determination of a juvenile suspect’s mental illness or a delay in mental development and his ability to fully or partially realize the importance of his actions and to guide them in a specific situation. If criminal proceedings materials indicate on the decrease of a minor’s level of development, as well as in order to clarify the socio-psychological traits of a minor, it is necessary to conduct psychological examination. The methodology of the research is based on a systematic approach, determined by the specifics of the article’s topic and related to the use of general and special research methods. The comparative and legal method and the method of legal analysis have been used in the study of legislative norms regulating the procedure of the appointment of forensic examinations. The formal and logical method has been used to differentiate the criteria of the subject matter of comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination and psychological examination, which are assigned in regard to juvenile suspects

    Використання цифрових засобів та соціальних медіа для кооперативного та колаборативного навчання

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    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the process of higher education in many countries has been transformed into online format. Thanks to this, even in traditional universities, digital tools and technologies have become more actively used. A crucial role in this process belongs to social media, which allow more efficient use of various forms of students’ Cooperative and Collaborative Learning. The article is devoted to reviewing the experience of the usage of these educational technologies in Ukraine. The authors summarize the experience of colleagues and their own scientific findings. The main differences between Cooperative Learning and Collaborative Learning and their importance in the development of student competencies are analyzed. The advantages and limitations of the usage of the most popular resources among Ukrainian lecturers (Zoom, Google Meet) are considered. Case studies using these resources in conjunction with the capabilities of social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and instant messengers (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp)) for cooperative and collaborative learning are given. The influence of these forms of training on the development of professional and social competencies of students is analyzed. The authors also pay attention to analyzing the possibilities of using services for knowledge and competencies assessment of students (Google Forms, Kahoot it!) in Cooperative and Collaborative Learning.В умовах пандемії COVID-19 процес вищої освіти у багатьох країнах перетворений в онлайн-формат. Завдяки цьому навіть у традиційних університетах цифрові інструменти та технології стали активніше застосовуватися. Вирішальна роль у цьому процесі належить соціальним медіа, які дозволяють ефективніше використовувати різні форми кооперативного та колаборативного навчання студентів. Стаття присвячена огляду досвіду використання цих освітніх технологій в Україні. Автори узагальнюють досвід колег та власні наукові знахідки. Проаналізовано основні відмінності між кооперативним та колаборативним навчанням та їх значення у розвитку компетентностей учнів. Розглянуто переваги та обмеження використання найпопулярніших серед українських лекторів ресурсів (Zoom, Google Meet). Наведені тематичні дослідження, що використовують ці ресурси у поєднанні з можливостями соціальних мереж (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) та месенджерів (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp) для кооперативного та колаборативного навчання. Проаналізовано вплив цих форм навчання на розвиток професійних та соціальних компетентностей студентів. Автори також звертають увагу на аналіз можливостей використання сервісів для оцінки знань та компетентностей студентів (Google Forms, Kahoot it!) у кооперативному та колаборативному навчанні

    Soils of the Argentine Islands, Antarctica: Diversity and Characteristics

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    Character Speech Individualization in Charles Dickens’s Novels

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    The relevance of this investigation is explained by several reasons: first, the individual character of speech is one of the evidences of Charles Dickens’s geniality and it is of importance for any person writing to analyze some techniques of the genius doing it; second, the analysis of these “speeches” can help understand peculiarities of various styles and genres separately and in interaction; third, everything related to Ch. Dickens is still popular among the readers, so these examples can be of use for teaching and learning English. There are three primary aims of the present paper: to extend coverage of linguistic studies to areas of literary peculiarities; to highlight gaps in the existing literature and promising directions for future research of Charles Dickens’s language; to establish a theory-driven approach to investigating literature language by introducing a new model as a framework for this paper. Authors applied such general research methods as data collection, study of the works in allied fields on the problem of the research, analysis and synthesis of the ideas studied. The theoretical basis of the investigation integrated the main principles of linguistics, stylistics and literature studies. Ch. Dickens is incomparable in linguistic individualization, in creating a personage idiolect, a private language. According to calculations all these characters are minor, about 3 quarters of the are female and about 60% are negatively marked. The main linguistic levels involved in this process are in descending order phonological (graphemic in written form), lexical, syntactic and stylistic

    Making an iot development platform from a simple microcontroller demonstration board

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    The IOT is now in trend. Because of its huge popularity and business interest to it, IOT is only now coming massively to universities worldwide as a separate study. This article provides an IOT solution based on embedded technologies that were not specifically designed for IOT. The core of this solution - board is developed for studying peripherals of a particular general-purpose MCU. But we successfully adapted it to use in IOT and for study of IOT systems

    Modern information systems security means

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    The article provides a thorough review of current research on information security means available for the endpoint protection. In the first chapter, categories and features of types of threats to information security are considered. The second chapter provides a general description of threat analysis methods, compares static, dynamic, hybrid malware analysis methods and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The third chapter considers the modern methods of detecting and mitigating threats to information systems, as well as the peculiarities of their implementation. The purpose of this article is to provide a general overview of the current state of information security and existing modern methods of protecting information systems from possible threats

    Формалізація концепції адаптивного відображення алгоритмів в реконфігуровних комп’ютерних системах на ПЛІС

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    The effectiveness of data processing in the reconfigurable computer systems depends significantly on the unproductive time costs of the reconfiguration of the FPGA computational space. It is an important modern problem that hinders the intensive progress of reconfigurable computations. The aim of the research is to improve the efficiency of the process of tasks mapping into the reconfigurable computing structure of the dynamically RCs by reducing the communication delays when the reconfiguring FPGA space in the Run Time mode.Mathematical models for determining the main efficiency criteria of the dynamically RCs and estimating the execution time of the main stages of adaptive tasks mapping that take into consideration the influence of delays of the configuration data transfer at all organization levels of the system are proposed. The concept of adaptive tasks mapping into the dynamically reconfigurable FPGA space based on the new approach to the transformation of algorithms’ MDG and the multilevel configuration data caching is proposed and formalized. That allows the realization of various strategies of adaptive tasks mapping based on the criteria of overhead time minimization considering FPGA hardware limitations and parameters of the changing computing environment during the tasks mapping. The experiments showed that the use of adaptive tasks mapping allows to reduce the overhead time and increase the effectiveness of reconfigurable computations for executing the algorithms with frequent repetition of similar tasks.Предложены формальные модели основных этапов обработки данных в реконфигурируемых компьютерных системах, учитывающие влияние задержек передачи конфигурационных данных на эффективность вычислений и позволяющие оценить и оптимизировать непроизводительные затраты времени на реконфигурацию вычислительной структуры на ПЛИС. Предложена формализация концепции адаптивного отображения алгоритмов на реконфигурируемую вычислительную среду в режиме времени выполнения, которая основана на многоуровневом кэшировании конфигурационных данныхЗапропоновано формальні моделі основних етапів обробки даних в реконфігуровних комп’ютерних системах, що враховують вплив затримок передавання конфігураційних даних на ефективність обчислень та дозволяють оцінити і оптимізувати непродуктивні витрати часу на реконфігурацію обчислювального середовища на ПЛІС. Запропоновано формалізацію концепції адаптивного відображення алгоритмів на реконфігуровне обчислювальне середовище в режимі часу виконання, що базується на багаторівневому кешуванні конфігураційних дани